Mission Statement

Provide a proper foundation and framework, in a supportive environment, for Royal Arch Freemasonry to prosper.


  1.   Provide strong strategic leadership from Grand Chapter.
  2.   Develop a mutually beneficial relationship with Grand Lodge.
  3.   Promote a quality program of education and training.
  4.   Obtain and retain membership.


Objective 1:   Provide Strong Strategic Leadership from Grand Chapter

Continual reinforcement of the key strategies of S.G.R.A.C.Q. through a range of communication channels including web-site and social media, GSE communications, and modelling of best practices by Grand Chapter Officers

Promote excellence and best practices by the selection of high calibre candidates, particularly for Grand Chapter Office

The four Principal Officers of Grand Chapter must be highly visible in the promotion of our aims for excellence

Recommendations for Objective 1

District Grand Educators to be properly trained and instructed in identifying and recruiting suitable Grand Chapter Officers


Objective 2:  Develop a mutually beneficial relationship with Grand Lodge

Regular scheduled meetings of the Most Worshipful Grand Master and the Most Excellent First Grand Principal – to discuss and develop strategies for the joint promotion of both Orders

Regular scheduled meetings of the President of Board of General Purposes and the President of Grand Committee – to discuss and develop strategies for the joint promotion of both Orders

Pursue the promotion of Royal Arch Masonry at Craft Lodge level under guidelines agreed with Grand Lodge

Promote the establishment of partnerships between Lodges and Chapters

Recommendations for Objective 2

Promotional booklets have been produced for distribution to potential candidates.

A list of suggested responses for Chapter members looking to recruit candidates from Craft lodges and advising them of how to handle typical objections from members of those lodges, such as:

Negativity from Craft members only

  • The Chapter strongly encourages all members to be active in their lodges.
  • Chapter members MUST be lodge members.
  • Chapter offers a daily advancement in Masonic knowledge.
  • This is contrary to our arrangement with UGLQ
  • A lodge member may join a Royal Arch Chapter one year after taking the 3˚.

“You need to have been a Worshipful Master of your lodge before joining the Royal Arch”

“You need to master lodge ritual first”

  • Chapter ritual sheds light and explanation on the ritual of the 2˚ and 3˚.
  • It can take many years to master lodge ritual.

“Freemasons are time poor”

  • It is really up to each individual how much time he can devote to his masonry.
  • For the first few years at least, Chapter does not require meeting every month, and many Chapters meet only bi-monthly.
  • In the UK, lodge members are expected to join a Royal Arch Chapter immediately after completing their 3˚.


Objective 3:  Promote a quality program of education and training

1. Potential Members

  • Promotion of the Royal Arch Order
  • Explanation of it being the culmination of Pure Ancient Masonry, its place in the tree of Masonic knowledge, and the reasons why Craft Masons should join.

2. Existing Chapter Members

  • Chapters to have education programs to expand the knowledge of the Royal Arch among their members
  • Promote the taking of office in the Chapter as an integral part of the education program.

3. Chapter Officers

  • Educate Chapter Officers in the importance of delivering good ritual work
  • Promote the responsibility of Chapter Officers in the mentoring of new members and introduce a program to implement this
  • Provide training opportunities at Chapter and/or District level
  • Promote the opportunities for Past Principals as Active Grand Chapter Officers

4. Grand Chapter Officers

  • Provide ongoing education in Active Grand Chapter Officer roles and responsibilities
  • Promote the need for Grand Chapter Officers to accept, as their personal responsibility, a commitment to ceremonial proficiency
  • Provide ongoing training opportunities to assist in achieving this goal, with the over-riding theme being, “Know what you are expected to do, and know how to do it.”

Recommendations for Objective 3

Promotion of the Royal Arch Order by:

1. Potential Members

  • Masonic Family Expo and Open House held alternately bi-annually.
  • Craft Masons Information Meetings conducted by a Grand Chapter Team at specially convened Chapter meetings.
  • Masonic Centre Notice Boards.

2. Existing Chapter Members

  • Availability of lectures and addresses on the Grand Chapter web-site.
  • The Prologues and Epilogues book produced by the Education and Training Committee which is issued to all Chapters.
  • District Grand Educators to promote taking up Grand Chapter Office.

3. Chapter Officers

  • Good ceremonial work is essential and ritual should be learnt for delivery to candidates.
  • The Chapter should do the work itself, possibly with assistance from other Chapters. Grand Chapter should be the last resort for doing the work at Chapters.
  • A Mentors’ Handbook is being finalised and should be available for distribution early in 2015.
  • Share Cryptic and Red Cross Degree work between Chapters. This could be facilitated with the help of the District Grand Educator.

4. Grand Chapter Officers

  • District Grand Educators and senior Grand Chapter Officers to identify, approach and recruit potential Grand Chapter Officers.


Objective 4:  Obtain and Retain Members

1. Obtain

  • Enliven Craft Mason Information Session presentations.
  • DGE’s to encourage Chapter members to strongly promote the Royal Arch Order at their Craft lodges.
  • Mentor current Chapter members on how to approach possible candidates at their Craft lodges.
  • Articulate how the Royal Arch series of degrees further explains and expands on the Craft degrees.

2. Retain

  • Split work (long charges) such as Principal Sojourner and the Mystical Lecture in the Royal Arch or the Tracing Board in the Mark Degree.
  • Combined meetings at other Chapters that do not have work.
  • Mentoring – need for a Royal Arch Mentoring Handbook (Manual).
  • Involve members in all Chapter activities – give them a reason to belong.

Recommendations for Objective 4

1. Obtain

  • All Districts to be encouraged to hold an Open Night (Craft Masons Information Meeting) on a regular basis.
  • District Grand Educators to encourage Chapter Members to strongly promote the Royal Arch at their Craft Lodges in order to recruit Candidates.
  • Mentor current Chapter members on how to approach possible candidates at their Craft lodges.
  • Articulate and explain how the Royal Arch series of degrees further explains and expands on the Craft degrees.

2. Retain

  • Split the work (long charges) such as Principal Sojourner work, as well as the Mystical Lecture in the Royal Arch Degree or the Tracing Board Lecture in the Mark Degree. The decision to do this is up to the individual Chapters.
  • It is suggested that Chapters, having worked a degree, should schedule an educational session at the festive board or at the next meeting, depending on their degree work schedule.
  • Combine degree work meetings with other Chapters who do not have work.
  • Involve members in all Chapter activities. This gives them a reason to belong and feel wanted and productive.

Companion Contact Form

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The Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Queensland office is located at:

Masonic Memorial Temple, 311 Ann Street, Brisbane.

Please address all correspondence to the Grand Scribe Ezra.

PO BOX 10272, Brisbane 4000
Phone : (07) 3221 1911
Email: gse@royalarch.org.au